Traditional Woodstick Crafting with Nicholas Martin.
"Woodland sticks" are the skinnier, nimbler traditional walking stick, often with interesting spacers and toppers.
Beginners welcome, no previous experience in woodworking or handicrafts required.
Class size: limited to 15 participants
This event includes:
1. Introduction to woodland sticks and stick sourcing and curing
2. Steam-straightening (live demo/attendee participation)
3. How to join parts using an old-school charcoal, beeswax and pine resin cutler's pitch (live demo/attendee participation)
4. Sizing and attaching simple toppers and ferrules.
Weather permitting, this class will be held outdoors. Please plan to dress appropriately.
Resources provided:
1. Cured sticks and some topper types (wood, horn; if there's an objection to the use of animal horn, we'd stick with wood)
2. A PVC pipe and wallpaper stripper (steam generator) for steam bending, extension cord, and a bending jig (wooden board with spacers)
3. Pre-made cutler's pitch
4. Simple ferrules
5. Miscellaneous small tools
Participants will get to keep the sticks they work on.
Please email woodlandsticksbellingham@gmail.com for more info and to reserve your spot. Fees: 10$ per person suggested donation (not required) to cover supplies.
Relevant disclaimers: This class involves the use of small (non-powered) hand tools, including a saw; and it involves holding sticks, so people should be prepared to take and own the proper reasonable care.
About me: Nicholas Martin, WWU grad c.a. 2015; I've also ran or co-ran the greek coffee booth at Bellingham Greekfest for several years. I claim no special expertise, but I like this type of stick crafting and I have a lot of cured sticks lying around.