Please join Jazmen Yoder (Northwest Natura) & Madelaine Katz for a crash course on Orcas of the Salish Sea complete with captivating storytelling and science on Southern Resident and Transient Killer Whales, and the Salish Sea Bioregion.
The presentation will cover:
Peoples of the Salish Sea
Killer Whale symbolism and lore among Indigenous cultures
“The First Killer Whale”, a story.
Killer Whale in Indigenous artwork
The Lummi Nation’s Fight for ‘Rights of the Orcas’
Contemporary news and science about Southern Resident and Transient Killer Whales
Morphological traits, behaviors, and social structures of Orcas
Differences in Orca vocalizations between groups (audio)
How to ID individual orcas by their unique features
Orca “breaking news” stories from the past and present: in-depth look into the human-orca and human-human interactions during these events.
Tips for whale watching (where to go, what to look for, how to ID individuals, and more).
How to support Orca Conservation efforts’
Tickets are available at
This course will be co-led by Madelaine Katz, a Marine Naturalist, and Jazmen Yoder, outdoor educator, Salish Sea Naturalist, and founder of Northwest Natura.